Praise Assembly Growth Track


Discovering Your Place at Praise Assembly

Our Growth Track is designed to help you become a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ. From the initial decision to find out more about the mission & vision of Praise Assembly, to a fulfilling leadership role on our team, we will provide you with a path to experience growth and fulfillment.

Step 1

This class will help you understand the essential beliefs that every believer needs to become a fully devoted follower of Christ.

Step 2

This class is a basic introduction to the ministry of Praise Assembly and will help you understand church membership, and our mission and vision. 

Step 3

We want to help you realize what makes you so unique. This class will help you to discover your personality, gifts, and purpose in life, and see how God combines them for the best fit in ministry. 

Step 4

In Step 4, you will learn about the purpose and the vision of our volunteer system. Here you will also be connected to a ministry in which you can serve most effectively. You will receive specified training for the team in which you will be serving.


Ready to learn more?